Thursday 17 October 2013

A Brilliant Idea

I wrote this blog post several years ago when I first started blogging (without really knowing what that was!)  Given the momentous way in which big business and the “powers that be” have been throwing their weight around in Washington DC these past few weeks, I thought this was the perfect time to finally post it.  I have left out the name of the beach because I don't know for sure who the perpetrator was in this case, and as you'll see below, all is well now...
Southern Tasmanian Beach

 A Brilliant Idea

I was recently reminded of one of the cleverest concepts I have seen in a long time - a brilliant, community-based strategy for standing up for the common good and giving a sense of control to everyone who ever got frustrated with money and influence throwing its weight around. 

I remember several years ago when some rich local politician in the Seattle area decided he didn’t like the trees in front of his house blocking his view, so he just cut them down illegally before anyone could do anything about it.  I remember my frustration when I realised that, aside from the fact that these lovely old trees were demolished, the perpetrator received (as I’m sure he knew he would) a fine that he could well afford, a slap on the hand, and a bit of public outrage that probably died away as people moved on with their lives.  Meanwhile this arrogant …whatever….- you can fill in the blank - got to sit back and enjoy his new multi-million dollar view.

A similar incident happened in a little community in southern Tasmania, but the outcome was very different.  This place is nothing particularly spectacular, just a lovely, popular swimming beach about a 30 minute drive from the capital city of Hobart.  A homeowner there must have thought that they deserved a better view from their deck.  They probably wanted to enjoy a panorama that wasn’t marred by the few scraggly trees out on the beachfront (all the foreshore in Australia is public property) or be able show off their view to their friends.

Unlike the Seattle incident, their friends would probably be very unimpressed with the new view, not to mention what this did to the value of the house.  But it is so extraordinarily fair without being vindictive; simply justice being served (and thoroughly deserved).  Scroll down to see what happened.  The photo speaks for itself; it’s not the best quality but you get the idea………

All Tasmanian coastline is public property - no "private beaches"

Nice view!!

 I also happened to be driving past the beach yesterday, preparing for the first of this season's food and wine tours in the Huon Valley, and went to check out how things had changed .....the signs had been taken down, the vegetation is growing back and all is right with the world, especially this little corner of it!

The new vegetation

The right view
Thanks for listening....

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