Friday 21 December 2012

The End of the World as we know it

The sun coming up on another new day.

It’s Saturday 22nd December in Australia and the sun is coming up on yet another ordinary day.   Since new days start here before most other places, I'm guessing that the end of the world hasn’t happened.  At least in the way that seemed to be the most popular;  no major tsunamis or solar flares or eruptions or other natural disasters that signal the ultimate demise of the planet.  

But I wonder if the end of the world as we know it doesn’t necessarily have to be about doomsday prophesies that are so popular and so much easier to believe when we see evidence of all sorts of horror and mayhem in our own small worlds.   We had two double murders in the past week within an hour of my home in Tasmania  - nothing like the scale of the horror of New Town, Connecticut of course, and yet it could still be taken as an indicator of the world gone mad, as the whole state of Tasmania usually has only a few murders a year. 

Sun rising at my Mum's house
And yet I choose to believe that this may be just the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.  As in, the world we know that has become mad with consumerism, and greed and the horrific imbalance between the haves and the have–nots, and insane gun laws and fear and negativity, and lack of humanity and compassion for those who suffer with mental illness or poverty or have different beliefs than our own.  

I see so much evidence of people reconnecting with their humanity and spiritual life and grappling with the essence of what it is to be a human being.  People who are filled with a need to know what the one-in-an-infinitesimal-chance that they were conceived and born might mean, and if they have a higher purpose for being one of the people who populates the planet.  

I see the internet being used as a tool for good – for connecting, and pooling resources and giving the power back to the people and letting them truly choose who gets to be elected or exposed as a fraud or held accountable for their actions. 

I choose to believe that “the end of the world as we know it” is the promise of a new world of hope and humanity and joy, and of recognition that the “powers that be” are actually the simple ones that live inside us all. 

Thanks for listening...

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